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How to automatic Log in Windows with Registry

You have to fill your password every time to gain access to Windows, yes it's a good idea for security, but if you don't share your computer with others people or you work with server that set schedule to reboot itself, asking password for access Windows may annoy you, if you need to force it to auto log on to Windows without asking password, this article will be answer for you.

You can force your Windows to automatic log in by configure your registry, this is not difficult just do following this article. First open your registry window by type "regedit" in your run box(Start Memu-> Run...), after it open, browse to path \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, then watch your right pane you will see many key/value pairs, find these 3 keys, if it doesn't exist create it by right click on right pane choose New-> String Value and name it as 3 keys/values below. NOTE these 3 keys are String type.

KeyName: AutoAdminLogon,Value: 1
KeyName: DefaultUserName, Value: <your username>
KeyName: DefaultPassword, Value: <your password>

After set these 3 keys/values restart your computer and see the result, if it does not work open your registry window and check again you may fill an incorrect value, if you don't want to use this tip i recommend to delete DefaultPassword key for your security.


How to show hidden devices on Windows-DeviceManager

device manager not show hidden devicesdevice manager show hidden devices

Look at pictures above you will see the different, these pictures I focus on device "Disk drives", on left side, Disk drives in Device Manager show only the active devices that attaching to my computer and the right picture show all devices including hidden devices that use to be used on my computer, I've use this computer about 5 years ago so you will see many disk drive on my device manager.

This tip doesn't work only on disk drive but works on all device, for me when i show all hidden devices it show all my display adapters, modems and network adapters that use to attach on this computer(don't show in picture above).

To enable this tip, you have to set Environment Variable. Begin by open System Properties (right click on My Computer), go to Advances tab and click on Environment Variables , in Show User Variables click New and set Variable name to "devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1", click OK to confirm your change, then try to open your device manager, for now you may not see any change until you select View->Show hidden devices, if you tick on View->Show hidden devices before set Environment variable, it will not show all hidden devices, try it to prove what i say is true, with this easy steps you can see all devices that use to be used on your machine.

command line show hidden devices
If you don't want to permanent enable it, you can set "devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1" in command line and call device manager by type compmgmt.msc, it will temporarily enable this tip, on your next boot it will return to default.

Hope you may get some benefit, more or less!


How to change Windows Explorer default folder

Normally when you open Windows Explorer via StartMenu->All Programs->Accessories->Windows Explorer, it always open Windows Explorer to default folder, My Documents, this default folder can be changed to whatever you want by adding parameters.

In picture you will see that in Target: field, it is not add any parameters(option). To open this property window right click on Windows Explorer on StartMenu->All Programs->Accessories->Windows Explorer, then you can change default opened folder to any folder, other than this you can limit user view to some folder, for example, you can limit user who open your edited Windows Explorer shortcut to path d:\users and don't show its parent path, to do all of this you have to know what each parameter meant, these parameters can be used together.

Opens a new single-pane window for the default
selection. This is usually the root of the drive that
Windows is installed on. If the window is already
open, a duplicate opens.

Opens Windows Explorer in its default view.

Opens a window view of the specified object.

Opens a window view with the specified folder, file, or program selected.

Example 1: Explorer /select,C:\TestDir\TestProg.exe
Opens a window view with TestProg selected.

Example 2: Explorer /e,/root,C:\TestDir\TestProg.exe
Opens Explorer with drive C expanded and TestProg selected.

Example 3: Explorer /root,\\TestSvr\TestShare
Opens a window view of the specified share.

Example 4: Explorer /root,\\TestSvr\TestShare,select,TestProg.exe
Opens a window view of the specified share with TestProg selected.

Hope you understand all of these examples, change to whatever that match to you and enjoy this tip.

reference :


How to install Windows Recovery Console locally on server

windows boot menu-microsoft windows recovery console

If your Windows can not start with some reasons, Sure! no one want to face this problem but if it occurs, luckily, you still have Microsoft Windows Recovery Console. Most of administrators or users that ever use Windows Recovery Console will use by insert floppy disk that contains windows recovery console or access it by insert CD/DVD and boot to access recovery console, but i think it will good to install windows recovery console permanent to make sure you can fix problem anytime and reduce risk on failure disk.

To do this you may need CD/DVD to install windows recovery console locally on your server. Ok let try to do it, first open command line, type "cmd" on Run box, then access to your optical drive, my optical is e:\, go to i386 folder on you optical and run command "winnt32 /cmdcons", it will look like this

e:\i386>winnt32 /cmdcons

Installer window will pop-up do following its instruction and finish, after next boot it will has an option for you to access normal windows or Windows Recovery Console as picture on top, below picture is an first page of Windows Recovery Console.

Microsoft Windows Recovery Console mode - first page
This article is just how to install Windows Recovery Console locally on the server, for how to use this recovery mode is out of this topic and will try to update new article on how to use it, hope you see it useful.


How to enable-disable flip 3d feature on Windows Vista/Seven

flip 3d feature on Windows Vista and/or Windows 7
alternate+tab(alt+tab)_old version to switch windows
Today after leave this blog silent for a while, i find some problem to write in this blog, i borrow my friend's notebook and she ask me to help make her Windows Vista can use flip-3d(switching window like alt+tab(2nd picture), but more beautiful interface with preview), now i'm working on her Windows so if you have a same problem and want to enable flip-3d, we'll do it together.

regedit DWM for enable or disable flip 3d on Windows Vista and Windows 7We'll do it in regedit, open run box by press window+r keys on keyboard, type "regedit" (without quotes), in Register Editor find this path, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DWM, if you don't have DWM like me, see above picture, create it by right click Windows folder in tree on left side panel choose New->Key, named it to DWM, then click DWM and right click on any area in right panel, choose New->DWORD (32 bit) Value, named new key to DisallowFlip3d, double click it to set value, type 1 in Data Value field to disable flip-3d, or set DisallowFlip3d to 0 to enable.
regedit after create DWM and Disableflip3d key to toggle flip 3d feature in Windows Vista or Windows 7Restart your current Windows session by logout and re-login or restart Windows to make flip-3d take effect. For now you should can use flip 3d, to use it press [window key + tab] or [window key + arrow] to switch window forward or backward as you want. If you have a problem to do this or it's not work for you or you have some tricks on this topic you can tell others people by leave a comment here, if it's a problem i'll try to solve for you.


How to view cookie of current visiting website

view cookie

Today, I have a tip about cookie, i think it's a useful if you want to know more about your current visiting website, it's faster and easier, another one good thing, you can use this tip on every browser (Google Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, etc..), in this post i assume that you known what cookie is, but i'll give you more details if i have time. For now let try a new trick to view your cookie.

Cookies are use to store your data in your computer, it make the web server know you if you used to visit that site, you will can access some website that require user/password without filling out your user and password if you enable to use cookie on browser, due to what is cookie is not important part in this post i don't want to make this post too long and make you bored so i'll give a short details just this.

Every browsers have a way to view or show cookies that store on computer but it depend on what client's browser you use, i mean differ browser differ way to show cookie, most are in their option/preference menu, and you can find it in one of many tabs in option window.

This is not only problem, if you can find where is cookie menu, you have to find yourself or some browser it has filter box to help this hard work, why i say like this cause in real world you not view just one or two websites, right? you view many websites a day, and cookie will show in format one cookie variable per line, Don't Forget one website can has many cookie variables and you have to find which cookie record that relate to the website you are searching.

All these problems can solve with this tip, a one short command


That all, first you have to open web that you want to view cookies, then just type above command in address box, it will not bring you to new tab or new window, you will not loss your current url address, it will show again after complete javascript command, this is not any hacking, it's javascript command, what is the result of this command? it will show a popup window like picture in this post (picture at top of this post), in picture it show cookie of, will appreciate if you leave a comment what you think about this tip.


How to use Remote Desktop more secure

I already explained How to use remote desktop in previous post, if you don't know how to do it i recommend you to read it first.

In this post i'll guide you how to use remote desktop in more advance step by changing remote desktop default port to other, this will make you use remote desktop more secure due to if this is implemented, users who want to remote to that computer have to specify port, not just user and password like in previous post.

On your host(computer you want to remote to):
This is an easy step, all you have to do is change default configuration on registry to new port.
First, press [window+r] to open run box, or click start menu-> Run..., type "regedit" in run box and Enter, Registry Editor window will appear then in left panel browse path following this


Double click PortNumber in right panel to open it, Edit value window will appear and it should show current Remote Desktop port(3389 or d3d in Hexadecimal base), to make it easy check that you are selecting decimal base or not, change it to decimal, now you can specify new port yourself, value should between 1024 to 65535 cause the first 1024 ports number are reserveed by system.

Exit the registry window, in registry window you don't need to save configuration like other configurations, so to make sure this takes effect, restart your computer. and test it

On computer that use to remote:
On this side is very easier than the host side, do you see the first picture on this post?, that it!. to use remote desktop from this side to control computer on host side, you just add ":" and new remote desktop port that you just done on above, in picture i set new remote desktop to port "2009" , hope you can do that, if you have any problem, leave comment and i'll try to help.


How to use Remote Desktop

Today i'll explain how to use remote desktop to remote other computers, i choose application call "Remote Desktop Connection" to explain in this post, many people already known how to use it, but many don't, so i think this post may can help someone, why i choose windows's Remote Desktop? more than 90% of windows users already have it, cause it's a default option when you install windows, yes, there are other software that can use on this purpose and i will tell you how to remote other computers with other software if i have time, Ok for now let's go on windows remote desktop first.

First, you need at least one user that already assigned password (important!, users that not set password can't access remote desktop, i think Microsoft aware on security issues), you can create new users or user existing user and set password at "User Accounts" on "control panel" folder. This process is on host computer(computer you want to remote to).

Next step is go on windows explorer and click right mouse button on "My Computer", select "Properties" and go to "Remote" tab, tick on "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer", on this tab you will see "Select Remote User..." button, click it and "Remote Desktop Users" window will appear, select user that you want to gain permission to remote this computer(user on previous step) and click OK 2 times to exit. that all, you just finish, this computer can be remote from another computer.

Try to use remote desktop to remote your computer, go to another computer open Remote Desktop Connection [start menu -> all programs-> accessories-> communications-> remote desktop connection] type ip address of host computer you want to remote to, 2 computers in this test have to can communicate each other, you may test on the same LAN network, or if these computers can access internet both, it should can remote from remote computer to host computer, if not, check your firewall and allow remote desktop port on your firewall [default port,3389] i don't show you a picture on step by step but guess you can do it, if you have problem, leave a comment and i will try to help.

In next post i'll explain how to use remote desktop more secure, change default port to others, if someone know your user/password, he have to guess your port if he want to access your computer.


Test your LCD with Dead Pixel Tester

Currently most of people using lcd than ever cause it not expensive and have various model, size and brand to serve your need and it save your area and save energy than CRT.

Only problem of lcd is "dead pixel, bad pixel or hot pixel". Yes if you're using notebook or laptop you risk to encounter this problem too, this is an important point you should notice before decide to buy new lcd monitor or new notebook/laptop.
Dead pixels, bad pixels and hot pixels are difficult to see with naked eyes, i recommend you to test it before bring it back to your home.

DPT or Dead Pixel Tester is one of good application for buying lcd monitor and notebook/laptop, its interface looks like picture above, why i recommend it?, It's a small program just 222KB, don't need to install on computer to use it that mean you can save it into your flashdrive and keep it with you, can test any lcd anywhere just put it in usb port and run it from your flashdrive, it easy to use just click button on your mouse you can see how to use it when you run this program(can you see buttons in red, green, blue on above picture) so just try it and you will can use it.

When you click mouse's buttons, DPT will change your lcd's desktop color or pattern depend on what button is clicked, the most difficult of using this application is you have to find dead pixels, bad pixels and hot pixels yourself, but it worth to use time to carefully see your lcd or notebook before bring it home than bring it back to claim or worst case if you see these bad pixels on lcd or notebook when it out of warranty.

You can download Dead Pixel Tester here or go to, it's a freeware.

Next time before going to buy new notebook/laptop or lcd, don't forget to bring DPT with you.


Useful Windows's shortcut commands

How many Windows's shortcut commands do you know ?

Do you know? You can call many Windows's shortcut commands from Run box window [start menu -> Run...], it can run most of Windows programs maybe all if you know thier shortcut command, and you can use these commands to check or fix some problems or maintenance your computer, such as "ipconfig /all" to show your ip address and more infomation, or use "ping" to check your network connectivity, this just an example, there are others useful commands you can call from Run box and if you are familiar with them it will mke you seem smarter and faster than others.

Cause of many commands and for more readable, i will sort alphabetical and separate each alphabet's command series by new line.

To run => Accessibility Options, Type => access.cpl
To run => Add Hardware, Type => hdwwiz.cpl
To run => Add/Remove Programs, Type => appwiz.cpl
To run => Administrative Tools control, Type => admintools
To run => Automatic Updates, Type => wuaucpl.cpl

To run => Bluetooth Transfer Wizard, Type => fsquirt

To run => Calculator, Type => calc
To run => Certificate Manager, Type => certmgr.msc
To run => Character Map, Type => charmap
To run => Check Disk Utility, Type => chkdsk
To run => Clipboard Viewer, Type => clipbrd
To run => Command Prompt[DOS], Type => cmd
To run => Component Services, Type => dcomcnfg
To run => Computer Management, Type => compmgmt.msc

To run => Date and Time Property, Type => timedate.cpl
To run => Device Manager, Type => devmgmt.msc
To run => Direct X Troubleshooter, Type => dxdiag
To run => Disk Cleanup Utility, Type => cleanmgr
To run => Disk Defragment, Type => dfrg.msc
To run => Disk Management, Type => diskmgmt.msc
To run => Disk Partition Manager, Type => diskpart
To run => Display Properties control desktop, Type => desk.cpl
To run => Display Properties control, Type => color
To run => Dr. Watson, Type => drwtsn32
To run => Driver Verifier Utility, Type => verifier

To run => Event Viewer, Type => eventvwr.msc

To run => File Signature Verification Tool, Type => sigverif
To run => Folders Options control, Type => folders
To run => Fonts (Fonts Folder), Type => fonts
To run => Free Cell freecell

To run => Game Controllers, Type => joy.cpl
To run => Group Policy (can not use with XP Home Edition), Type => gpedit.msc

To run => Hearts, Type => mshearts

To run => Iexpress Wizard, Type => iexpress
To run => Indexing Service, Type => ciadv.msc
To run => Internet Properties, Type => inetcpl.cpl

To run => Keyboard Properties control, Type => keyboard

To run => Local Security Settings, Type => secpol.msc
To run => Local Users and Groups, Type => lusrmgr.msc
To run => Log-off, Type => logoff

To run => Minesweeper, Type => winmine
To run => Mouse Properties control mouse, Type => main.cpl

To run => Network Connections control netconnections, Type => ncpa.cpl
To run => Network Setup Wizard, Type => netsetup.cpl
To run => Notepad, Type => notepad

To run => Object Packager, Type => packager
To run => On Screen Keyboard, Type => osk

To run => Performance Monitor, Type => perfmon.msc
To run => Power Options Properties, Type => powercfg.cpl
To run => Private Character Editor, Type => eudcedit

To run => Regional Settings, Type => intl.cpl
To run => Registry Editor, Type => regedit
To run => Remote Desktop, Type => mstsc
To run => Removable Storage, Type => ntmsmgr.msc
To run => Removable Storage Operator Requests, Type => ntmsoprq.msc (can not use with XP Home Edition)
To run => Resultant Set of Policy, Type => rsop.msc

To run => Scanners and Cameras, Type => sticpl.cpl
To run => Scheduled Tasks control, Type => schedtasks
To run => Security Center, Type => wscui.cpl
To run => Services, Type => services.msc
To run => Shared Folders, Type => fsmgmt.msc
To run => Shuts Down Command, Type => shutdown
To run => Sounds and Audio, Type => mmsys.cpl
To run => Spider Solitare, Type => spider
To run => System Configuration Editor, Type => sysedit
To run => System Configuration Utility, Type => msconfig
To run => System File Checker Utility (immediate start), Type => sfc /scannow
To run => System File Checker Utility (start at boot), Type => sfc /scanonce
To run => System Properties, Type => sysdm.cpl

To run => Task Manager, Type => taskmgr

To run => User Account Management, Type => nusrmgr.cpl
To run => Utility Manager, Type => utilman

To run => Windows Firewall, Type => firewall.cpl
To run => Windows Magnifier, Type => magnify
To run => Windows Management Infrastructure, Type => wmimgmt.msc
To run => Windows System Security Tool, Type => syskey
To run => Windows Update, Type => wupdmgr
To run => Windows XP Tour Wizard, Type => tourstart
To run => Wordpad, Type => write

These may not cover all Window's command, but i think it can help you, select which commands you often use and change the way to run that program.


How to expand your monitor view

extend desktop

Monitor you are using is enough for you?. if your answer is No, you want a bigger view, or wider view, Yeh, do you use to see someone use multiple monitors for one computer, you can do it yourself with 2-3 easy steps.

In fact there are 2 ways to expand your monitor view, one is straight way but more expensive i mean buy a new monitor, that should not be a tip or how-to in my blog :>, right?.

OK, let's see another way, if you have an another existing monitor and want to use it with any computer all you need to do is check your computer and count your Monitor port in back of your PC or your notebook/laptop if you have more than one on your PC and one on back side of your notebook, it mean your can easily expand it by add your existing monitor to the unused port, just go to your display property on control panel folder -> then select Setting tab, you will see 2 monitor in this tab if your hardware does not has problem as picture below, select your new monitor and you will be able to check "Extend my Windows desktop onto this computer".

expand monitor view

multi monitors

You just finish it, let's enjoy and use your computer more comfortable.


How to change Firefox menu to English

Are you using Firefox?. Cause of now there are many browser that share users from IE(Microsoft Internet Explorer) , you may ever hear Google Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox there are browser that have features and have capability to share in browser market from IE, now Firefox are the second popular client's browser while the IE is number one for now, so i guess some of you may using Firefox now.

I don't know you will have a problem like me or not, i am stay in Thailand and when i want to download firefox from official site they can detect my ip and redirect me to Thai's site that why i can't download firefox English version to use, as i know there are many Thai users encounter this problem like me.

You may wonder why this is be a problem, why i don't go to option or preference or some point that can change primary language for Firefox, i tried it but can't found, if someone know will appreciate to comment me.
Ok, if your country don't use English as native, this may occur to you, i have a ways to solve this

- just go to the direct link => this will bring you to firefox English(US) version, just donwload it and install replace the old one, don't concern about your existing add-on it won't impact and can use as normal(except if that add-on doesn't support new firefox version)

- or if English(US) language is not what you prefer, you can go to => and you can choose language what you want

There are another way to solve this by download en-GB xpi and change configuration in firefox, in address bar type about:config find and change general.useragent.locale to language code you downloaded (in this case "en-GB") you may need to restart Firefox, i don't give you more details cause i don't test this on myown and links i provide you can solve problem without any bad effect, hope this can help you, will appreciate if you leave a comment what do you think about this tip, Thanks.


How to solve ipod problem ? [fatal case]

I used to encounter major problem with my ipod 3rd generation.

My problem occured when i was updating new ipod firmware with itune on my brother’s notebook, the strange problem occur. (i don't unplug it during update processing but it occur when connection cable still plug-in)

My ipod nano reset itself all the time, during starting process when apple logo appear, it pause at this screen don't continue to it normal process then it turn off itself and start this cycle again and again, can’t do anything with it, i really meant that, CAN'T turn it off and itune can’t detect my ipod (it mean i can't restore to factory setting), can’t see my ipod on both windows exploror and in computer management, may cause software/firmware is not update properly, what i can do is wait this cycle continue until battery run off.

during this i try fix this issue on internet but don’t find any issue like me, But when i try to turn ipod into disk mode, it works ! , itune can detect it and i can restore its firmware from itune menu, HOPE it will useful for anyone who have a problem like me.

I think my problem is one of the worst case, cause i can’t detect my ipod on computer with all any try i can find on internet so if you encounter with any problem on your ipod and losting all your content is not your problem(sure if it can not use, just lost musics, picture or video will become a little problem) i think this may solve most of problem on ipod, try it and HOPE this can help you. If your problem is not fatal like me, you may try other solution before.



If you want to contact me, send it to me at or leave comment on this blog.

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About : How to all IT

I create this blog to collect tips, tricks, problems i ever known or problem i ever encounter with, so if i want to do something i used to done, this is my knowledge center, if it can help you i will very glad and hope you too.

Cause of English is not my native language and all of these posts are writen by me, so it will contain some incorrect sentences, but i think you can understand what i want to say or what i mean on each post, right?


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What you want to know?, What is your problem?, leave your question here and i will try to help you.